Tracey Pickett wants to make sure that you don’t get caught slippin’ in the rain. She is the founder of Hairbrella, an innovative rain hat combining fashion and function to protect women's hair from the rain. Not only is she an entrepreneur, but an attorney, inventor, and speaker.
Tracey’s original plan was to “get law school out of the way,” then get a job, and she did just that. While working in intellectual property as a lawyer, the entrepreneurial bug started tapping on her shoulder. It reminded her of the promise she made to herself prior to beginning law school. Tracey vowed to not spend more than five years in a legal career without pursuing the business ideas she had for her life: that included her first entrepreneurial endeavor, Eboticon.
Although, along with some colleagues, she’d been working on Eboticon, an emoji app to represent Black culture on nights and weekends. While still working full time as a lawyer, Tracey managed to meet her deadline, pace herself, save up a year’s worth of income, and complete the first test version of Hairbrella. And on her fifth work anniversary, she quit! After leaving her job, Tracey launched a Kickstarter campaign with a prototype in hand, and the rest is history.
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Tracey Pickett (Instagram) — @traceypickettesq
Tracey Pickett (Twitter) — @traceypickett__
Hairbrella (Instagram) — @hairbrella
Hairbrealla (Twitter) — @hairbrella
Eboticon (Instagram) — @eboticons
Side Hustle Pro — @sidehustlepro